programming problem

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Dear Sir,
I am a Student of Faculty of Engineering University of Peradeniya in Sri lanka. I used winpic 800 to programming 16F877A IC.
I used 4000,000 MHz Chrystal oscillator to circuit.
When I programmed I changed settings as follows, (since I used 4000,000 MHz Chrystal oscillator)


When I programmed IC it showed that IC was programmed.

Then I verified and it gave me results as follows,

ERROR->Verifying address 0X000000
Verified;0X3000 Read;0X0000

As well as I could find that software indicates that IC is not available.

Finally I was unable to get out puts from Pic IC.
How I get a solution


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Hi suranga
well come to forum
according to details you supply
you are using jdm programmer and
1.ur programmer may not work properly
2. your programmer not initialize properly in winpic800

what is the massage appear when press "Hardware Test" button?
what is the massage appear when press "Detect Device" button?
when you have enabled Code Protect ON, you cant expect the verification
there is another setting verify during programming implement it and it will do. by the way, which programming hardware are you using when driver is winpic800?
additionally either add zeros or call it MHz --don't do both. it is 4MHz.

when you are doing programming, perhaps there is no need to configure cp ON

thus, remove the code protect in the config word.
All the best.
configure the setting hardware-where the JDM programmer or any other has to be defined and the respective port to be checked for propriety.
after that you may have a hardware check and it should report Ok
once these are done and you define and plug in a certain chip
you can seek device id, it would respond
by all means,the CP should be OFF for the time being
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