Project for school

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New Member
We're doing a project for school called SBP "Small Business Project" and we're trying to make a digital dice with four dices using LEDS

I've made a program in PICbasic and compiled it into HEX-file with MicroCode studio plus en then simulated it in Proteus ( a electronics program capable of simulating all kind of microchips in schematics )
Now I've programmed my PIC16F870 but it doesn't seem to work. Can somebody help me or tell me which things are very important when I program the microchip.

Thnx, Little Bart

the PICbasic - program file is attached

sorry comments are in dutch
sorry adding the atachment doesn't seem to work :-s
now it is I think


    1.9 KB · Views: 199
Problem solved, thnx for helping.

I finally solved the problems which one of you solved 4 me, thnx
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