Project of Oil-filled transformer=)

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New Member
Hi,I'm taking degree in electronic engineering.We are going to do our final year project.I seek help from my lecturer and he gave me the title about oil-filled transformer but i dont really know the directions to do it.Hope to get helping hands here.really appreciate much.
my lecturer has provided me 3 titles such as:
1.Design of oil type transformer by using MATLAB
2.Analysis of oil type transformer in 3 phases power system
3.Testing of the oil type transformer by using different type of oils and building prototype

This is a link about what an oil-filled transformer is:
**broken link removed**
Hey Ron,
Great to have your replied.If i'm going to take this as my project what am i going to do to deal with the programming part by using MATLAB?Do you have any other projects to suggest?I don't have time to change project.This is a project given by my lecturer.I have to come out my proposal by
27.5.2011.Hope you can help me with my problem.THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
Matlab is something that I don't use, but I know we have a few Matlab users in the forums here. Here is what I would suggest. Start with the oil, oil used to cool transformers must be non conducting like pure mineral oil. Next start looking at actual designs of an oil cooled transformer as to reservoir for the oil and note how the oil actually moves using convection (some using pumps). You need the coolant (oil) and a way to have it move (convection or pump). Remember in the design that an oil filled transformer needs a relief valve for emergency pressure relief. Just think about and list all the important characteristics involved in the design. Sorry I can't help with Matlab unfortunately. Hopefully a Matlab user will see this thread and contribute to it. Additionally some large transformers use cooling fans with fins to cool the oil as it removes heat.

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