Project proposition - open motor controller

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New Member
Hi all,

I have proposition for open project and trying to find around some cool hackers to join.

Few day ago we were sitting at friends home talking about some of the things we could do, and one of the things that spin off was robot platform. Nowdays there is load of things you can use and recycle around and make cool stuff, so one of the thing would be robot moving platform.

Parts would be:
1) Motor
2) Batteries
3) Motor controller
4) Some form of control, could be cable for start just to test it

And talk got serious, so we thinkerd even further.
We have few those of chinese e-scooters motors and batteries from this:

You can buy controller on the Internet for 20 dollars or something like that but it isn't it.
So idea would be to make controller that's not hard to make, uses microcontroller for that purpose and doesn't have any hard to get specific parts.....of course all design and everything would be GPL-like open.

We can donate server space for web page and whatever we could need online for communication and project files storing.

Are there anyone interested in this??
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