project small generator 3

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it is our way to win time, it is public, we have a lot opinions world wide , about this, is owened by google. again out of about a real opinion cb this time? without links referals ? simple words?
aquila non capit muscas
thx st
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I can light 2 bulbs with this setup. I asked if someone have an ideea how to transform the magnetic rotative field in energy without the coil?
thx st
ps i.m not intereasted to transform it in something industrial our reason is .....
Unless you use whatever is rotating the magnet to drive the shaft of a generator. , a generator that is basically a magnetic field being driven around a coil. This is how electricity is made. Dosnt matter if its nuclear,steam,gas,coal,wind. Basically they all drive a shaft with magnets around coils, or drive coils around magnets.

Otherwise do you not think they would save the money in copper and just use a big magnet?
So turns out those turntable motors are synchronous, also turns out they do 4-8 RPM at 240V. So that answers one question about the coil.

Apparently used alot for small power devices. Alot like reel to reel motors used in very very old computers, low RPM high Voltage. They make ideal generators, but you decided to take it apart and make it less efficient! Oh well.

So we have explained the voltage is simply generated by the motor, the motor couples to the coil with inductive coupling. The lights turn out to have caps etc so all in all pretty much like a joule thief circuit. Oh and the magnet make it look nice and maybe helps couple the coil.............

The big irony is you have basically what people try to do with a doughnut coil. It took me weeks to make one of them, pretty good way to impress teachers and easy to resonate.

So Time to tell us what this is really about??? Instead of messing about and avoiding questions, what exactly do you think you have discovered? Its clearly one of the nut job we have found an easy way to...... But what do you think you found a easy way of doing?

Look up joule thief, you can make 2 of those lights light up with a 1.5V battery, a couple of components an the coil. You dont need the motor or magnet and the battery would last longer.

So what exactly is the point?

As for opinions, dosnt matter how many you get, some will be right and some will be wrong, you will choose the ones you like best. I honestly thought you were interested in electronics and engineering. What I dont get is exactly what are you trying to do?

You can make it more efficient, but you dont really want that. Because to make it work better would mean ditching the magnet and motor. I am pretty sure the last thing you want to do is ditch those, so what exactly are you trying to do??
you are smart LG, who said I wish to learn ? I don.t said that I repeated several times I have the base. What it is the ideea? I wish to help not to be helped. why youtube ? because it is a public channel and is runing fast all over the world. I saw something "strange" in the project "small generator 1" which I made it but not because I was searching to buid a generator to run my house with it. when they will replicate it because it is easy,
maybe a specialist (not necesarily engiineer) will find something interesting, say it in public,and if he want he can asume it. it doesn.t matter for me. it is not my purpose to improve it for industrial use. you avoid to answer to my questions regarding other materials.
you are smart LG, who said I wish to learn ? I don.t said that I repeated several times I have the base. What it is the ideea? I wish to help not to be helped.

So you have something of marginal value that you are fundamentally wrong about on multiple levels yet feel its right to try and teach others by it?

maybe a specialist (not necesarily engiineer) will find something interesting,

And therein lies the continuing problem and folly of your endeavor. Most of us here are specialists in the electrical and electronics fields plus others and pretty much everyone here who has participated has come to the solid conclusion you haven't created anything that wasn't already well known and understood plus couldn't be done a far more practical and efficient way.

In fact, you have done such a poor job of defining what exactly it it syou want to teach anyone the we still don't know what goal you are after.

Is it to show a very innocent way to barely run a common LED light off a small battery?

Or how to make avery inefficient and extremely application specific generator?

Or something else?
and tcm out of topic as usual....tcm you are paid to do that? that is all you understood untill now?
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In what way am I out of topic?

You say you wish to teach people something yet by every standard of those of us who do educate and teach people on how thing work you have brought nothing of value to pass along to others.

Seems very topic relevant to most everyone of us but you.
I didn.t said I wish to teach I said maybe someone will find something more interesting than a" ineficient generator" read all the just answered to LG for all his efort earlier. now the question is what other materials we can use instead the coil to generate energy refering at the rotation system which generating magnetic field ? that why I said that (you are out of topic) also I know people from here are o overqualified for the simple generator....I mentioned that already
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I have read the thread right from the begining. So little of what you propose your efforts are for don't add up . That's the problem most of us have had all they way along so far.

You claim to want something yet when given you totally ignore it and when asked for clarifications to how or what you did you totally ignore that too.

Also, you admit your participating audience is far more educated and experienced than you as well yet feel absolutely no want or need to learn anything new or factually based about your own device from anyone who has proven they know more about what you are doing than you do.

You say you wish to teach, which is a noble goal, but to do so you need to have a solid understanding of the subject yourself to work from. Otherwise you're just spreading ignorance for the sake of spreading it and that's the last thing this world needs more of being spread.

As for inspiring people I don't see that happening either.
To inspire others you have to produce something of unique significance that few or no one has ever seen or that requires some unique skills and talents of which you have done and shown nothing. In fact when called to give better explanations and measurements of your device so that we can better understand what you were doing and why and to serve what end purpose, so that just maybe we can learn and or be inspired by something less common, you have repeatedly ignored it.
tcm lets stay focused on the subject this is not about me or about you it is obviously I know latin (it is a dead language ) but this is out of topic also. i.m not trying to demonstrate 1 +1 = 3, I wish to go furher with - the "school project", i.m not trying to grow in the eyes of someone, I.m not pretending I have discovered something, with a layout of a generator which value is 2 euro I wish to keep private informations about me and about my knowledges, how much do I know it doesn.t matter this time. I don.t even have an acoount on fb or twt I made the observations. Something strange at" small generator 1" . I already proposed to everybody to analyze the magnetic field generetaded by the 26 mm sphere on a dc motor which use 2 bat. or an a motor (this is new) or a motor which used 3 bat 1,5 v AA conected at a 5.1 V external baterry in the mentioned position. I have asked simple questions isn.t it ? what is bothering you?
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I dont ignore your questions, sometimes I dont realise you have asked one! It swings from wanting to learn to wanting to teach. Maybe a language thing maybe not.

You ask alot of questions, so that makes us assume you want to learn something. If you were teaching you would explain in detail your thoughts and opinions on what is happening. If you wanted to research something then you would do all of the above and carry out the experiments put to you. I have repeatedly asked you to try without the magnet etc.

I started with a clear and open mind, despite knowing the basic laws of physics, I am the type who goes by evidence. At this point I must stress that in electronics some laws you cant beat, so many times you prove them correct. I grew up with Science, my dad was one of the best Biologist/Bio chemists in the UK. I understand the scientific method, I understand how important it is to have an open mind and reach conclusions based on fact and evidence.

So before I go on I will answer the materials question, I am not convinced yet that the coil is actually generating. I am more inclined at the moment to think the coil is acting more like an antenna or pick up coil. So it isnt making the electric it is simply picking it up. Again we come back to inductive coupling, normally two coils, one produces a field and another close by picks this field up.

If you want help to develop then you are going to need to do alot more experiments and them correctly. If you want to teach or show something then you need to provide more information. As for other materials I cant make any suggestions until I have caught up a little, I can prove/disprove if it is more a generator or more of a inductive coupler etc, but I need some parts. NO I am NOT taking the microwave apart!!

You have the added complication of the light type used, one reason the other light kept flashing could be down to the cap inside it. Charging then discharging. So I need to get one to see the circuit and work out how much that comes into play. If you want this done properly then fine, but some questions cant be answered with a guess. I dont know what you have at the moment, I think its a small part generator and mostly an inductive coupler with probably a joule thief type affect going on as well. So I have alot to look at.

And its YOU that ignore my questions, lets start simple, what multi meter do you have?

Pretty sure some of us are trying to stay focused on the subject by trying to get any degree of workable information out of you.

So far what I have gotten is you want to teach people something from this yet have near zero want or will to divulge anything about it or yourself while doing it.

Past that, you want to know what's going on yet either reject or totally ignore every answer given to you plus don't do the work needed to confirm or disprove the theories postulated by anyone either.

Then to top it off you continually say that we should stay on topic yet you continually drift to anywhere you feel like and give answers to nothing of revance or to questions that were never asked rather than answer that which has been asked as in, what exactly does your claim of knowing latin have to do with anything?

Methinks you are perhaps lonely and this is your only social interaction you have at the moment being if you don't do what's asked of you there's a chance that this thread could run for sometime yet go nowhere.
I mean, we are into this for some 10 pages and nearing 200 posts now and have basically nothing to show for it largely in thanks to you being unable and unwilling to answer or do much of anything asked of you in every way possible.
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