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hi i want to do a final year project in electronic enginering. i want to specialise on automatic toll gates using micro controllers . can you help more
You really aren't sharing much information. The use of a uC to open or close a toll gate isn't much, however, what triggers it is. I suggest you start with a vehicle arriving at a closed toll gate and make a plan from that point.

Does the vehicle have a transponder as used in an EZ Pass system?

Does the driver feed money in and wait on the gate to open?

This is a project that can be extremely simple or complex depending on what you want it to do in detail.

Yes, no, and maybe.

First step is in your ball court. Planning! List out out "all" the things you want the system to do. In as much detail as possible. List out the parts of the system, inputs and outputs and how they interact. Don't sweat the technical minutia at this point...just think of each piece as a "black box" in a block diagram. Once you have a system that looks like it might do what you want, start looking at the possible hardware. This is a good point to start asing questions here. Software with microcontroller(s) can then be made to fit the hardware.

The quote someone here's signature: "One test is worth a thousand expert opinions, but one expert specification is worth a thousand tests."

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