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New Member
circuit diagram is attached.

if 440volt ac connected to circuit ,relay is activated and supply rail of 440v shorted,
protecting the smps.

poly fuse is rated for 230volt will it operate (open circuit) or permanently damage.


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Typically it's just another text file, aka ASCii. Although Autodesk uses it for a source file format as well. I'm assuming that's what this is.
I'm not at home so I can't check, but it could be an LTSpice schematic, they use the extension .ASC
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I completely forgot about that. Although I compared them and it's not an LTSpice file. It has a lot of vector graphic type stuff in it, so most likely an Autocad file of some sort.

I might have Inventor 11 at home that I could try it with.
I opened the file. .ASC files. First line.
(Source "DipTrace-Schematic")

Really a poor format to post a schematic to, few people here own it. Most users here use LTSpice, because it's free.
75-695 per license...

I've spent less than the cost of an unlimited license on every piece of electronics oriented equipment I own.
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