Protek 3003b not adj to full current (3A)

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You probably have one or more of the op-amps gone bad. Common problem. Just replace them all, they are very inexpensive. Install IC Sockets first. The power supply will probably require calibration after replacement.

I just wanted to point out that this thread was started in 2010. Chances are the OP moved on a long time ago

I just wanted to point out that this thread was started in 2010. Chances are the OP moved on a long time ago

LOL no.. heck no! I'm still here, just been VERY busy and active in the EV life style the last few years! Got a Rav4EV and a Tesla now so enjoying those.

What sucks big time and to bump this thread is my 3003b just fell off a tall shelf a few days ago and the main board on the side broke right in 2!

I've been using her all this time with the reduced amperage! But now I'm going to have to replace the whole thing :-(

Unless there are whole boards and parts avail??

Funny thing is, I just got a Fluke 287 and those meters on the front were dead on with the 287 (certified calibrated)..

So sad
Yes, I still have the file. Not good a fhing to post email addresses. Spy bots will find them and Spam you, Go back and remove them. Send me a "Private Message".
Did anyone find the schematics for the 3015B? The control board is quite a bit different (opamps, trim pots) then the 3003B board. The control board and display board is marked "C30S-4".

One of my supplies only goes to 0.15A and the other goes to the expected 1.5A. Tested with a current sink and it's the actual regulation, not the display.

Picture attached and a high resolution image on Imgur for those interested.


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I have a Power supply Protek 3003d with problems. If anyone still has the manual available for this model.


Send me you' re mail address by Forum's "Private Mail" and I will send you the manual as a PDF. Do Not post your email here.

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