Protek 3033


New Member

Does anyone maybe have a Protek 3033 schema ?
I found in archive that KMoffett had it but he doesn't accept the PM's.

Bets regards.
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Not what I'd consider a complete schematic at all, but I figured while I had it apart replacing some of the jacks in the front I may as well document at least some of it. The BJ-RNx components on the PS-3302 are what is really doing all of the good stuff in there. I'm not about to crack mine open to figure them out, as they are probably ceramic boards and depotting those can be a real 'fun' time. Most likely some Op-Amps, Zeners and such in there. If I ever run across a spare PS-3302 board or a real cheap unit I might dig into them a bit.


  • Protek 3303 Schematic 1 Panel.pdf
    35.8 KB · Views: 160
  • Protek 3303 Schematic 2 XFRMR 2.pdf
    49.4 KB · Views: 139
  • Protek 3303 Schematic 3 XFRMR2.pdf
    13.9 KB · Views: 138
  • Protek 3303 Schematic 4 PS-3301.pdf
    13.3 KB · Views: 131
  • Protek 3303 Schematic 5 PS-3302.pdf
    58.3 KB · Views: 139
  • Protek 3303 Schematic 6 PS-3303.pdf
    37.9 KB · Views: 139
  • Protek 3303 Schematic 7 PS-5501_5502.pdf
    30.9 KB · Views: 159
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