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Well-Known Member

Is there a protocol for answering replies?

For example a person asks a technical question and gets and answer. Then after a few exchanges, another person also answers. A couple of times I have answered the second person, who then seems to have taken over. Does the first person leave it to the second person? And so on. What's best ?

Some places leave it to the user to decide. e.g Best answer. There is noting wrong with agreeing which is a form of "Me too" behavior and there is nothing wrong with providing additional information. I personally think that asking for more info instead of second guessing has benefits for all. For the OP, he/she gets to understand how to state a problem. Agreed, he/she may not know what's relevant. Asking questions allows the thread to not get side tracked.

Stop when you feel comfortable.
There is no protocol to speak of, which is why things are so chaotic on a forum. Normal real life manners do not translate well.

I like to include something that someone previously said and note them for it, and add to it a little. Sometimes it's a little more difficult to not repeat something someone else already said when it is a long long thread, but i think it is better manners to do so whenever possible. This way the original person doesnt feel like someone else has taken over the complete reply.
Hi MrAl, Are you A1 or AL?

I now address each reply to who i am answering, but I'm not sure if they get an email or not.
Is there a protocol for answering replies?

If you want to post to a specific member its a good idea to start with their user-name or a shortened version of it.
You can always reply with a Quote from another's post or an extract from it in order to be specific.

If I see an OP query is being actively answered by a member with 'status' I don't add my two penny worth.

Sometimes the answers an OP gets are down right misleading and either I or other member will step in and point out the error.

I like to the think the Forums run on the cooperation of members in providing answers, rather than a competitive mentality.

You will quickly learn who are here to help or 'otherwise' on the Forums.

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Hi MrAl, Are you A1 or AL?

I now address each reply to who i am answering, but I'm not sure if they get an email or not.

That's AL, 'A' first letter of the English alphabet, 'L' twelfth letter of alphabet.
I sometimes also get mistaken for Mr AI, 'I' as 9th letter of alphabet.
I see it as really depending on the thread. If for example a poster ask a question and it has been addressed by another member I just move along. However, there are exceptions as I see it and here is a good example. The original poster was going about a task in a certain way. I suggested another way that I thought could be considered.

If I see a reply to a post that I feel is incorrect then I try to nicely interject something. Everyone makes mistakes and I make my share. If I screw up I expect to be corrected but expect it with some courtesy the same as I extend to others.

Just my take on this stuff..........
Hi Ron,

Yes that's good practice i would say. There's also the counter-point view where we might want to mention that there is a better way or better theory
Hi Ron,

Yes that's good practice i would say. There's also the counter-point view where we might want to mention that there is a better way or better theory

Absolutely, I agree. I just figure in all board / post / threads that a little tact is important and goes a long way. Unless of course I am having a bad day, then all bets are off.

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