proxy >.<

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New Member
Alright I need access to a proxy server to get by this blocker which block proxy servers >.<

I need to show a teacher something that is blocked
Replace with the site that's blocked.
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blocked >.< lets see
it blocks
Googles translate
doesnt block cached but it wont let me go to my site >.<
but i have found a way around it
I hope that is not a rhetorical question, because i am going to answer it.

Blockers are setup to promote an educational environment (block por^n, and the such), as well as blocking sites that are known to have large quantities of viruses.
lots of schools censor myspace because kids often slander their teachers and other school administrators on that website.

if the video is so important, just send your teacher an e-mail with the link, and she or he can view it on their home computer.

you might want to search the other free video websites (metacafe, gootube, etc). there's so little original content on any of them... if there is a "good" video on the web, most likely there are several copies on all the various services.

Myspace is censored at my high school...too bad they didn't change half the computers from having admin privileges. Internet Options --> know.

Everybody wonders how I do it...teehee.
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