pulse divider

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New Member
hi I'm new to this site.Could anyone help with a circuit diagram and instructions on how to build a pulse divider.I want to halve the number of pulses coming from a car engine management box to feed the car's rev counter.We have changed the car's engine from a 4 cylinder to an 8 cylinder so have double the number of pulses needed to drive the original rev counter.It is a 5v pulse.Thanks
YOu will have to condition the pulse into a clean logic pulse if not already. Use a D-FlipFlop like a CD4013, powered from 5V. Feed the pulse train to Clk. Tie D to Qbar. Ground PRE and CLR. Take output from Q. This will divide the pulse train by 2. What impedance is the divider driving. If that is too low, you might have to add a buffer.
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Thanks for reply.Any chance of a diagram,i'm new to this type of stuff
I believe the attached is what Mike had in mind. The 4013 is a dual D flip flop and in this case configured as a divide by 2 circuit. Signal out = signal in / 2.



  • 4013 Divide By 2..gif
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