Pulse Generator / HV Switch

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New Member
I am working on a project that I am in need of a Pulse Generator that can pulse with a small load of approx 50ma and a voltage of 1.5 - 2.5kv. Also I am wanting to design a HV switch.. same voltage range. Any Suggestions or schematics on the net? Since I am on a Roll asking for information. Without going to an AC circuit how can I step up DC 12v - 1.5 - 2kv?
EMI said:
I am working on a project that I am in need of a Pulse Generator that can pulse with a small load of approx 50ma and a voltage of 1.5 - 2.5kv.

I wouldn't call that a 'small load', 50mA at 2.5KV is 125W.

Also I am wanting to design a HV switch.. same voltage range. Any Suggestions or schematics on the net? Since I am on a Roll asking for information.

What sort of switch do you mean, if it's a mechanical one, presumably they are available to buy (but would be pretty expensive).

You should probably give more details about what you are trying to do, so far it's too vague.

Without going to an AC circuit how can I step up DC 12v - 1.5 - 2kv?

You can't step up a DC voltage, you have to convert it to AC first.
For a high voltage source, copy a television circuit. There are spark gap switches that breakdown at a specified voltage, that is the simplist solution. I used a high voltage (1600 volts) transistor as a switch but I was dumping amperes thru it and it always shorted out. Depending on the application, a xenon lamp could be used for a switch.
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