pulse on transition

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Use non-electrolytic capacitors. And, can you post a schematic of the circuit you actually have set up?

should i have used non electrolytic capacitors from the start? i have 4 for each switch and then a ceramic one as a filter between 5v and ground.

i will draw up what i have done in a second,

so far this is what i have go to work, i just changed all the 330 resistors to 1k and i got up and down to work perfectly, exactly how i wanted, but left does nothing and right makes the CPU reset. after checking the board i found i had a short between the output of the first XOR gate (left) connected to input A of the next gate down (right) but after fixing this short it went back to before, nothing happens when the track ball is moved.

so first of all, if it did work, but only when that short was connected, does that mean that the resistors and capacitors are at the right values?

secondly is there any reason why it might work with that short between the output of the right XOR gate going into the input A of the left XOR gate? only up and down worked, not left or right. i removed the input from the track ball for left and right but i left the short in there and it stopped working,

its very very strange.
here is a circuit diagram of what i have done

sorry it is so bad, but i am not good at these things.

this is roughly how it is layed out on the stripe board,

the blue line indicates the short that makes up and down work but not left and right cuts the power


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ok i have to say sorry now,

once again my stupidity strikes!!!

i forgot to solder the ground connection to the XOR gates, they must have been taking power straight from the track ball, which could be why the power was cutting when going right

but either way it all works now!!

very very pleased, thank you SO much for all your help i am very greatful!
"Slightly"...what does that mean? With 4 pin shorted to a blown pin 3, the circuit connected to pin 3 will follow the input at pin 4.

attached are pictures of the real life product,

it still needs a little bit neatening up, but it works which is the main thing. i am going to try and see if i can get a video of it working but no promises


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