Pulse Sensor using NRF24L01 for Wireless Transmission

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I'm starting with this new project of mine, I am just new to this thing and I hope I'll make it work. I will be using a Pulse sensor https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11574

and it will be apply to a suit that is often used by the gym persons. And to avoid using many numbers of wires, NRF24L01 will help me get through this. I used two NRF24L01, one for the transmission, and the other is for receiving. Connecting the master sensor to the slaves. I already searched about the existing codes for this transceiver but unfortunately when I upload the codes, I failed to receive any data from the transmitter. I am just new in programming stuff so I need someone whose really good in this skills to help me.

I wonder, if anybody here has done with this kind of project.
Does anybody here knows something about the program for the NRF24L01, for the transmitter and the receiver applied to pulse sensor? Please help me.

hi diode,
This NRF TXR project was written in Oshonsoft Basic.
There are 3 Remote Transmitters and 1 Base Transceiver, one Remote unit use a DHT22 Temp & Humidity sensor and transmits the data to the Base unit.

The 3 Remotes work on seperate NRF Pipe Channels of the NRF.



  • P1_DHTv5.txt
    12.6 KB · Views: 427

Thanks for spending time reading and giving some answers to my concern. I owe you one. Is that codes will help my transceiver communicate with one another? Cheers.

Thank you for giving me some suggestions, but can I ask you more questions about this? Since I am just new to programming stuffs, do you have any idea about the codes used to make my pulse sensor work with the use of this NRF24L01? I owe you one.

Thanks for spending time reading and giving some answers to my concern. I owe you one. Is that codes will help my transceiver communicate with one another? Cheers.
That Code for the Remote and Base station units uses Interrupt on Receiving data from each other.

The Base station can transmit a data request to any of 3 Remote Pipes [ the datasheet for the NRF will explain Pipes].
When a Remote receives a transmit data request on its Pipe ident it will transmit its data back to the Base unit, the Base unit detects a on receive Interrupt and gets the data.
When the Base unit wants to 'talk' to all the 3 Remotes it uses Pipe# 0, to 'talk' to a particular remote it uses the Remotes Pipe #1 thru 3

For your simple 'one to one' application, use Pipe# 0 for both the Transmitter and Receiver, that's the default Pipe number.
Set your Receiver Code to detect a Receive Interrupt, for the Transmitter you will have to detect the 'Pulse' at a set level and then transmit at that instant.

It is possible for simple systems, to just switch the Transmitters Carrier RF On/Off and then detect at the Receiver the presence of the Carrier On/Off.
So on 'Pulse' detected , switch On the TX carrier for say 20mSec, receive the Carrier and detect the On Receive Interrupt, ie: a Pulse!!

Do you follow that OK.?
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