Pulse timing IR Logger

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New Member
I am looking for some asm source or schematic of an IR LOGGER so I can log the pulse timings sent by an IR device, does anyone have seen anything like this before.
...but that is so simple to do, (well simple for me lol) i'm in the beginning of making one myself

just got my IR tx & rx last nite, for some experimential purposes

$3 dollas for 2 pair. did i over pay ? lol
tom3000 said:
...but that is so simple to do, (well simple for me lol) i'm in the beginning of making one myself

just got my IR tx & rx last nite, for some experimential purposes

$3 dollas for 2 pair. did i over pay ? lol

What I really want is to have in my PC the pulse timing, delay, etc of the Infrared Code sent by a Remote Control.
Ok, I understand that, making a circuit to recieve the IR signal is easy, my main problems is how to read the pulses timings, delays doing a log.
I came across a PIC project like this during a google search awhile back but I'm sorry to say I didn't bookmark it.

I recall it tracked the transitions and the timing and sent it to the PC where another program displayed the information for you to study.

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That is exactly what I need.
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