Purchasing blank copper boards

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I have looked at all 14 pages of this section of the forum and have not found what I am looking for.

I would like to get into making my own PCB's and I have already designed the layout in designspark. What I need to know is what is a good but inexpensive site / place to buy the blank copper boards? I read on this site, https://forums.adafruit.com/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=17309, that they recommended a guy on ebay (**broken link removed**). Has anyone else had any experience with him or any other sites? I like the idea that I can buy a pack of 14 4"x6" boards for about $23 including shipping; image of options that I selected is attached.


  • blank pcb.jpg
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If you are going to be using the UV lithography method to get your design on the board so to speak, I would buy the pre-sensitised copper clad - i have never had much luck with the spray on UV sensitive stuff!

Plain copper clad would be good for CNC router or toner transfer methods
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MG Chemicals is a known company. They sell all kind of products for this job including bare and pre-sensitized boards, etching chemicals etc.
Their products are easily sourced through major online retailers like Newark and Mouser. I simply get them in a nearby store (Sayal) and right now I am making some more boards.
I will be doing the toner transfer method.

I found the website "Electronic Goldmine", https://www.goldmine-elec-products.com/products.asp?dept=1034, that has some copper boards pretty cheap. I was looking at this one, https://www.goldmine-elec-products.com/prodinfo.asp?number=G18321, and figured out that if I order 14 boards it would work out to be about the same price as the ebay person including shipping. Might order from Electronic Goldmine because they has some other items that I might order. Any other people order from them? I have read mixed reviews on them. I'm mostly just looking for a place I can buy inexpensive boards so I can do small projects once and a while.

I ordered some stuff from them earlier this year (some various parts, plus a couple of the large "grab boxes" - I got enough components from that to more than make up for what I spent on them - YMMV), and was pretty satisfied with the whole process. Then again, had something went wrong, I could just drive across town and have a personal discussion with them...

Another couple of places you might try are:

All Electronics (I've ordered from them many times over the past decade or more, and have had no problems): http://www.allelectronics.com/make-a-store/category/445/PCB-Materials/1.html

Alltronics (ordered only once from them, but was pleased - **broken link removed**)

Thank you for your reply. I think I might go with Electronic Goldmine mainly for the "grab boxes"; the price on the copper boards isn't bad either.
Thank you for your reply. I think I might go with Electronic Goldmine mainly for the "grab boxes"; the price on the copper boards isn't bad either.

You'll probably get a ton of resistors and capacitors, and diodes - lots of diodes. There will be a few ICs in there; I actually got some nice switches, potentiometers, and some nice LEDs and such. It was really a couple of nice boxes, in my opinion - but YMMV. Good luck!
If you look up "abcfab" (his username) He sells copper clad boards in black, red and blue. After making many boards on the ugly green FR4 stuff, its nice to get some unique colors!
I've bought PCB stock from "abcfab". Definitely recommended!

If you wanted pre-sensitized boards, I would look at Circuit Specialists. That's my usual supplier for that sort of thing. I've never had a problem with products from them. Here's a link.
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Thank you for the suggestion of Circuit Specialists. I had ordered from them before, a panel meter, and I had no problems with them. Forgot to check if they had copper boards, but I already placed an order at Electronics Goldmine.
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