push on push off switch

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Q: i would like to use transistors (or an ic) to create a simple push on push off switch.... press button - output is +12v, press button and output is 0v.
seems simple enough, but i have no clue. after hours on the net...the closest i could find is a toggle flip flop circuit
What is the current you wish to switch? Another possible solution is a latching relay.
thanks guys for replying so quickly....

the switch is mounted inside my motorcycles handlebar (the horn switch), it makes contact when you press it, and breaks when you release it. it canot be replaced with any other type of switch - im stuck with it

The plan is to use it to control a mechanism that raises and lowers my number plate. simply put, press the button once, a motor turns and lowers the plate till it hits a switch. press the button again, the motor will turn the opposite direction and raise the plate till it hits another switch. i have already made a 3 led display (red, orange, green) to conect to this circuit. red means plate is visible, orange means plate is in motion, green means go like hell and dont get caught.
This circuit needs to built out of simple parts (transistors and basic ic's), as i live in South Africa and we dont have radioshack and parts are hard to come by if ya work 7 days a week. anyway - thats the plan
You could use a toggle flip-flop such as a 4013B, if you can buy one of those. Do you know the amount of current the motor in the mechanism takes?

Are you working 7 days a week to pay the fines for not displaying your plate?
We have one pay highway. People use the weirdest things to block their number plate from the camera so they get a free drive. Then the camera alerts the police and they get busted.

The noisy stinking little motorcycles get flattened by the big trucks.

I have never heard of a bank robber driving away on a bike with its number plate covered.
The fines aren't a problem - its the 3 hour wait in line at the licensing dept to pay them, thats the problem. its a nightmare our cameras are digital but aren't that smart (neither are the traffic cops)
back to the circuit - any ideas?
The fines aren't a problem - its the 3 hour wait in line at the licensing dept to pay them, thats the problem. its a nightmare our cameras are digital but aren't that smart (neither are the traffic cops)
back to the circuit - any ideas?


Take a look at the bottom circuit in the attachment. You could use this to control a relay, which would control the motor.

The only problem would be getting the motor to 'reverse' to bring your number plate back down.

It would also be possible to use a 555 timer and a relay to control the motor (set the timer to the length of time it takes the motor to move the desired amount) so you would only have to press the button once, and it would shut off itself.

You would still have the same problem of making the motor reverse though.



  • 4013oneshots.pdf
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The following is *not* a solution to your problem but you can study it carefully. It is a design I've done years ago to control/rotate a display sign. I do not condone any possible usage of this design for illegal activities.


  • servo.gif
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hehehe... thanks for your help guys..... will take a look when i get home...

Ps - its only illegal if ya get caught
had a good look at the schematics - thanks alot - these will help. will keep you all posted on my progress.....

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