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New Member
hi...can i use "push acc" to continuously store data into RAM?in a loop application.fist i assign the wanted RAM location into stack pointer,then store data in sequence by using push acc..but never pop them out...is it k by doing that?
I don't know what processor you're talking about, but on all systems i know pushing things onto the stack without popping them will eventually cause a stack overflow...

You need to know how large your stack is, stop pushing things onto it before you reach the top, And also remember the fact that the hardware may automaticcaly put some things on the stack, so leave room for this (depends on processor).

Then, of course, you need to get everything of the stack (and process it), before you start over again.
hi...thanks for help.I have another q regarding eeprom

somehow now my system make use of eeprom to store data.the eeprom usin is 24c01 1k memory...if i use page write,means the byte address will automatically increse by one for each write is it?

n wat is the byte address range for my eeprom...i had try out from 00h to ffh n all can used to store data... :?

It has 128 bytes of space, address from 0x00 to 0x7F...

If you could read write to every adress from 0x00 to 0xFF on a 24c01 then you've probably done something wrong cause that shouldnt be possible.
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