Putting Dual opamp into Altium library?


Well-Known Member
Now i'm trying to do a dual opamp, MCP6002, one symbol including the power pins. Do you know how to do this?
I can do this easily in Eagle Pro. You just make two symbols separately in the lib...then shovel them both in when you make the "part".

...So now i have got the Part A and Part B in the lib...but it only places one of the parts on the schem sheet.
In the components window, it doesnt show the dual opamp as a 2 part device...but in the schem library, it shows as a 2 part device.

Ive just watched 2 altium videos on how to do this, and none showed how you get the components lib to show the 2 part device.
Even the Altium documentation doesnt show you how to do this....

...OK i deleted "U?" then re-typed it and now its ok......i presume i fixed this but it seems a bit bizarre.

..I believe this needs registering as a bug in Altium...i just spent an hour trying to do a dual opamp multi part......it wouldnt work...then it did work when i delted the "U?" designator and then re-typed it , the exact same as it was before i deleted it.
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