PWM Help Needed

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New Member
I need an IC that can change the 50% duty cycle of 130Khz-170Khz incoming frequencies(Audio modulated FM). The output frequency must match the trigger/incoming but with different duty cycle. The Duty Range I am looking for is 50%-85%

Any suggestions?


-Note, the FM signal is already a TTL square wave.
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Can you settle for 50-66%D? If yes, you can just use a simple one-shot.
i think you are talking about pulse width modulation, search on internet you may find a lot

Yes I am talking about PWM. However don't confuse a fixed frequency PWM with variable incoming frequencies that need to be changed to a different duty cycle.
The "common/traditional" PWM chip will not change it's output frequency based on it's input signal (error voltage)... it will change the duty cycle of a fixed frequency that is set by the timing components.
The "common/traditional" PWM chip will not change it's output frequency based on it's input signal (error voltage)... it will change the duty cycle of a fixed frequency that is set by the timing components.

Yes, that why I don't need the "traditional RC dead-time controlled PWM". I found a chip that meets my criteria but cannot find a distributor. Does anyone know of a product similar to this?


"It performs a stable PWM control over a wide fluctuation
of external signals, thanks to the built-in trigger mode oscillator."
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