This looks like homework and should be moved to that section.
That is a type of PWM, but your professor has defined the high periods, rather than duty cycle. There are 16 high periods from 200 us to 950 us. I would use one of the timers to set a recurring interrupt of at least 1 ms -- probably longer, e.g., >200 ms, is better. Then I would use the other timer to set a pulse width at each interrupt of 200 us to 950 us depending on a read of the port with 4 switches. I would pull the port pin to ground with a resistor of about 10K , then connect to Vcc with the switch. This is, a pin connected to a switch that is "on" will read high (1) and when off will read low (0).
From that point, you need to design and post your schematic and code. Most people here do C, but I do not. I am sure they will chip in once you show your efforts.