PWM Setup For 1Khz

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I want to generate 1Khz PWM frequency with 50% duty cycle.OSC is 4Mhz.

PWM Period=(PR2+1)*4*TOSC*TMR2 PreScaller

Those are the values I'm going to use.

Pre Scaller=1:1

PWM Duty Cycle=[CCPR1L:CCP1CON<5:4>]*TOSC *TMR2 PreScaller

CCPR1L:CCP1CON=b'00000000 10' ; D'2'

I'm unsure will the PWM module works because PR2 is 00h.
I don't understand how you plugged in your values and got 1KHz:

(0+1)*4*(1/4,000,000)*1 = 1MHz (not 1KHz)

The calculator Jim posted works.
To work out the timer2 value do the instruction speed divided by the period. 1,000,000/1,000 = 1000. Timer2 can't count to 1,000 but it can count to a quarter of that so set timer2 prescaler to 4. Our period is then 250 counts of timer2 so we set PR2= 250-1 = 249. To get 50% duty cycle ccprl must be 50% of PR2 so we set it to 125. Simple really.

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Hi thanks for pointing me out Mike & upand_at_them.I understood but that software generating incorrect duty cycle value.

This is the result of that pwm calculator

* PWM registers configuration
* Fosc = 4000000 Hz
* Fpwm = 1000.00 Hz (Requested : 1000 Hz)
* Duty Cycle = 50 %
* Resolution is 10 bits
* Prescaler is 4
* Ensure that your PWM pin is configured as digital output
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* this source code is provided 'as is',
* use it at your own risks
PR2 = 0b11111001 ;
T2CON = 0b00000101 ;
CCPR1L = 0b01111100 ;
CCP1CON = 0b00111100 ;

The duty cycle is 499uS not 500uS thats what I mentioning.


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I like it when I can do a calculation in my head and get it right and a calculator gets it wrong.

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