Quad astable square wave circuit

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New Member
I'm looking for a single IC that will give me at least three, four would be better, square waves at different frequencies, no more than 1Mhz. I need a rapid pull down to ground (fast rise and fall times; a fast extinguishing of the pulse; the output pulse should come as close as possible to the supply voltage, and as close as possible to ground), 50% duty cycle is fine, within 5% over temperature, and output of 100mA max, even 1mA would be ok, capable of being powered at 10V. The output pulse should have The circuit should be cheap, readily available parts, easy to put together. The 558 timer comes to mind, but cannot be configured as an astable, although KJ6EAD on this forum claims to have done that. Not readily available, either. The 4093 looks promising. Any other ideas or comments?
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I did it but only at very low frequency. One of the data sheets or application notes shows how each timer in the 558 can be configured to self trigger.
Thanks. I have been collecting data sheets, and haven't run across that one. If you can post the link or the data sheet, that would be great. Still leaning toward the 4093 or 4011, though.
Thank you for all of your responses. Other than having two more potential oscillators with the 40106, is there any advantage or disadvantage in using either chip? The current output seems to be slightly more with the 40106. The max voltage is about the same, as is the hysteresis and transition time. The timing stability with this circuit will depend on the temperature characterisics of the resistor and capacitor, correct? And with a 555 the stability would be less dependent on the resistor capacitor, right? I don't think it will matter in my application, but it's nice to know.
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