Quad NAND Gate

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New Member
Does anyone know what would be a replacment for a 75HC132 quad NAND gate?
Thanks ,sam

Thanks on1aag
I want to build two circuits from the ARRL manual. One is a inductance meter and it calls for a 75HC132, and one is a capacitance meter and it calls for a 74HC132. https://www.arrl.org/notes/hbk-templates/lmeter.pdf The web site does not have a parts list, I got those from the ARRL manual.

(Edit) I just found a few articles on a ham radio site with the same questions about the 75HC132 listed as one of the meter parts.
It seems it is a typo, and should read 74HC132 for both meters.
But it seems you allready had that insight! Thanks again, Sam
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That 75HC132 is most certainly a typo from ARRL, should be 74...., wouldn't be the first nor the last typ0 they make Any of the 74XX132 will most likely work...
Leftyretro said:
That 75HC132 is most certainly a typo from ARRL, should be 74...., wouldn't be the first nor the last typ0 they make Any of the 74XX132 will most likely work...

Thanks Leftyretro, I spent a good hour looking for that part!
Hey, your my neighbor.
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