Quantum practice.

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I define life of a single cell organism as prolonged high definition chemical reaction.
If you look at molecules that swim inside a cell, they are quite complicated.
Imagine all that electrons swarming around all those nucleuses.
Could it be that they can form simple processing elements, and that some molecules
posses some sort of intelligence? I am starting to believe that cell nucleus with DNA
is just a hard drive to some unknown processing process of complex molecules.

So if there is an intelligence to cells, than this intelligence possesses good
practical knowledge of many quantum mechanical effects, and if cells in our
body could convey this knowledge to our mind, we would already have quantum computers.

Do you think it is possible to genetically engineer a type of neuron that would
do chemistry/quantum physics under instructions from our mind?

Do you think complex molecules can "think"?

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I know about memristors. But they are many atoms for simplest function.
I am thinking about the complicated cloud of electrons of a ribosome having some computational capability.
I don't know much about spintronics, but maybe something like that?

I remember seeing article about "autonomous molecular computers": https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15116117
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If I get what I'm reading then the body produced it's own anti cancer drug?
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