I'd like to mention that it appears Colin Mitchel has edited his critique of Jose Pino's Almost No Parts Clock project in his "Spot The Mistake" column on the TalkingElectronics web site, limiting his critique now to his complaint about the lack of current limiting resistors on the LED segments. He also seems to have edited the text in the critique of the EDN article I mentioned (you can no longer find his 'expert' assertion that there is no eight pin package for 10F' devices). I have not yet checked to see if he has removed some of the other offensive and disturbing comments which were high-lighted earlier in this thread.
Demonstrating the character and behavior for which he is becoming famous, Colin made the changes without any fan-fare, without acknowledging any mistake, without apologies for his offensive behavior, and yes, without even saying thanks for bringing the matter to his attention. Currently there is still no mechanism on the TalkingElectronics web site for the public to dispute or challenge his comments or to bring mistakes to his attention.
Thank you all for your support. We made a difference.
Cheerful regards, Mike