Your question is severely lacking in detail, as in *any* detail. Where did you see this? Can you put it in some kind of context? Is it in English, or another language? i is not a standard SI prefix for a quantity, like n for nano. Is it a typo?
I've certainly never seen it. If it was in an electronic document, could it be a character set/encoding problem? That is, should it have been the Greek "mu" or something?
This is from my notes from "The Art of electronics" book.
If that is just a lower case i, this would suggest that it is a changing current.
Just a guess.
Δ delta symbol means the change of a variable or the change in. P.13
example ΔV/ΔI or dv/dI they use d also for derivative.
derivative is change, computed using differentiation.
SO NOW... Instead of using Delta Δ for a change in V, I, or R they will use
lower case v, i or r.