Question on basic solder gun care

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I bought this Xytronic 379 Temperature Controlled Soldering Station
"We are now shipping the Xytronic 379 with the
new updated stand, with the best Tip cleaner
we have ever sold, built into the stand."

My quesiton is...
Can I use this tip cleaner instead of a sponge?

I have been reading solder guides and watching youtube videos and cant find this answer. I have not turned on the station yet and this is because I am unsure about this. I want to take care of the tip.

I used to use a cleaner like that on my cheap irons, but have been using a sponge with my new Weller....

The shiny brass colored cleaner didn't seem to scratch the tips on the old irons, but I don't want to take any chances with my new one, yet...

Why don't you just fire it up, and use a sponge until you know for sure?
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