Question: PIC16F84A Programmer Program

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New Member
Im trying to program my pic using a programmer i made from this site

Ive tried a bunch of compilers most dont let me send enough lines to the pic.

Do any of you know of some free programs which i could accomplish my task with?

Also what is the 25pin port called in the back of the computer LPT or COM?
The 25 pin port is most likely the printer port because most serial ports were 9pin types before they were obsoleted by USB. Printer ports on the computer are female where as 25pin serial ports are male.
Ive tried a bunch of compilers most dont let me send enough lines to the pic.
You mean programmer software don't you?
For a one PIC like 84A your NOPP LPT programmer is pointless to me.It cannot support to majority of PICS. If you like to build a good LPT programmer which supports to majority of PICS & giving less troubles better make this.

84A it’s an easy PIC to program. This serial programmer works well with 84A & some more PICS (not for all) & its supporting to plenty programming software’s too.

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  • 84A Programmer.gif
    6.3 KB · Views: 1,027
Il build the programmer then, can i input alot of lines of code into that program. i have a .bas file on my computer i would like to put on the pic.
If i build this circuit what software and compiler should i use?

Zordon said:
heres a link to the code

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It's Proton+ 2 and you can buy it here
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Your example program is too large to run in the free evaluation version (50 lines max) and it also doesn't support the 16F84 in the free version (it does support the much better 16F628A though)
Here's a link to the free version
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I can vouch for the software that comes with the NOPPP. I built one of those programmers as a project in highschool and we used it to program a PIC16F84 with a Simon game (the game where you have to remember a pattern of beeps/lights that gets progressively harder).

But you will need a hex file to use with the programmer.
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