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Hello every body. I want to know Un in the circiut in the attached file cabletermination is it the voltage of the source or the load impedance ZL
any one can explain it to me?


  • cable termination.JPG
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Un is the voltage before the long cable and after the termination. There should be some drops of voltage here. Though its quite small, but its very significant with high frequency communications.
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Thanks for reply. can I say that the voltage from the source=Un+the voltage drop due to the coax impedance+the voltage drop due to the load impedance? or how I can calculate it?

Un = Vcable+Vload
Vsource = Vtermination+Vcable+Vload = Vtermination+Un

You can do the algebra then to which variable you're interested.
If its zero, then, no answer for the equation. It becomes an open circuit. there is no such thing as infinity in the real world, it can be simulated by using 1G ohm or higher. If you're interested in using infinity, we need to deal using higher math. I'm not an expert in this case.
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