Questions about the Schematic Diagram

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New Member
Attached are the frequency shifter project.

I am being confused by the connectors named MLXM4 on sheet no 2 and sheet no 3. What does "Bipolar Linear FM Input" mean? What does "Low Range Switch" mean? Is it just a switch to provide potential difference? What is the way to connect them?

I appreciate the help from you all.


  • freq_shifter03-01.pdf
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  • freq_shifter03-02.pdf
    27.5 KB · Views: 148
  • freq_shifter03-03.pdf
    22.3 KB · Views: 150

Normally Bipolar would indicate the signal swings both positive and negative about zero
So it suggests that the FM signal voltage level inputs are 'ac' coupled.

The Low Range Switch on the diagram switches two 100nF in parallel with the existing 8.2nF caps.
As its on the NI of the OPA's in the signal lines, its suggests that it frequency response of the circuit
is reduced to a lower frequency response.
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