quick easy math answer please

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simple series/parallel circuit
64v battery supply
2 -8 ohm resistors in series
2 more 8 ohm series resistors in parallel with other 2.

what is the total amperage of the circuit?

thank you just preparing for a test and making sure my math is correct.
if you dont mind, working out the problem for me?
just the formula of how you got it,
Im not sure I understand your circuit.

schematic ?

But to find the the total current I = V/R where R is the total resistance

Resistors in series add up Rs= R1 + R2 +...+Rn
Resistors in parrallel up like like Rp = (1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3+ ...+1/Rn)^-1

But a schematic will make me or anyone else be able to give you a better answer.

a square circut r1 and r2 in series r3 and r4 in series
r1+r2 in parallel with r3+r4
im sorry no schematic

+64v_______________r1=8ohm r3=8ohm
r2=8ohm r4=8ohm
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The 4 resistors in a series - parallel array have the same resistance as one of them (8Ω)

Then I = U / R = 64V / 8Ω = 8 A
The amplifier has loss and is not rail-to-rail. Its peak voltage is probably 30V so its peak current with an 8 ohms load (the series /parallel arrangement) is 3.75A.

The RMS current is 2.65A.

Since you didn't work out the math then you must guess how I made my answer.

You lost me there. What amp are you talking about? Sounded like the original circuit was a batt and some resistors. Where did the amp come from?
You lost me there. What amp are you talking about? Sounded like the original circuit was a batt and some resistors. Where did the amp come from?

Looks like da guru has amped out and gone off da rails....
I think he got again desturbed by the same guy who posted the same damn thing on the another forum.
Since the OP refused to show a schematic and talked about an extremely simple circuit of only a battery and 4 resistors, I made up an amplifier circuit.
Most amplifiers can drive 8 ohm speakers (but I don't like the poor damping when they are in series).
I think this is the circuit he is talking about. 2 series circuits of 16 ohms each, give a total resistance of 8 ohms. If the resistance of the par circuits are the same, divide it by 2 for 2 parallel circuits. A=e/r: 64/8=8 amps


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