Quick PWM question on the pic10f320

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So I'm wondering about the max PWM frequency this can do. Looking at the datasheet the summary on page 3 says 16 kHz max.
That seems straightforward enough. However on page 109 it's giving example of up to 200 kHz.

Trying to read through the datasheet I'm just confusing myself! Anyone able to clarify what frequency it can do?

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I suspect the difference is the PWM resolution (# of different values). At the higher frequency, you loose 10-bit and 8-bit resolution (depending on the oscillator frequency). 5-bit resolution is only 32 different values.

The funniest thing is... That example shows settings for 20Mhz...

The fastest it can go is 16Mhz therefore the first example has no purpose here...
Yeah saw that as well.

jpanhalt, that might make sense alright. It would be nice if they were a bit clearer about it but can't have everything.
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