Quite a lot of people on this beach

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Masses don't worry me. Where they crap and piss does and where the litter they generate goes...

Welcome to Durban 25 December 2014....

I spent much of Christmas where, as far as you can see, there are no humans. No houses.
Some one asked me 'how can you stand to be in a place where there is nothing to the horizon in all directions?'
I saw many animals, plants, trees, birds, bones, clouds, etc. It is nice to not have humans standing in the way of all that.

Look at the picture above. There is a white dot back 127 rows and 1437 from the right. That would be me (panicking). I can't see anything!
Haha, Durban. I stay away from the beach over this time of year, well the town beaches anyway. The main problem with this is that the majority of these people can't actually swim, and have no clue how the ocean works. Every year several people die, and kids get lost etc. Honestly dont know how the lifeguards deal with it all.

I cannot find you Ron. Are you sure you are there???
Oh, wait....this is a recent photo. You might be reminiscing about another photo taken a few Years back maybe

All the best,
This is gonna go one way....aka the thread from hell..

Putting Arnie back as shock therapy. Just for a while. Tell me when you feel better and your eyes are open.

I have to open my eyes. When they are shut I see your avatar. It keeps changing!
OK I will try shock therapy. Where is a light socket.
Today is a paperwork day. Carpal tunnel syndrome & a paper cut.
LOL, at least you play along.

I did not know about the Carpal tunnel stuff..now I feel like a Toilet
Putting back beauty.

Even more with my latest. Oh God what have I done?


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Carpal tunnel is that burning feeling in your wrist from too much keyboard or writing.
Anyway, you Guys stay well...

Work tomorrow...grrrr

I feel like changing this TV repair place into a sort of Doctors surgery....like "we are fully booked for Today....and Tomorrow is busy too...try bringing the set in on Friday...we will see if we can help you..

Bugger (another word I wanted to say)....already people sitting here waiting on New Years day.....clueless dingbats...

I am so over this. New Years resolution....I will not go out of my way anymore for masses of Morons that keep thugs in Power.

They must ask Zuma and his ANC to make it happen.

I am sure they in have at least one capable tech somewhere???

I mean surely out of 54,002,000....there must be someone...


So, this is chuck it in the Sea Year.

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