I do wish to thank you for your responses. I see some terminology I do not know like flip flops etc. I guess i need more homework and like I said I am real novice. But will give it a try. Live in Austin, Tx. I will try to wear out the patience of Frye's electronics personnell or another store. Does Radio Shack have the parts and personnel for this type of project?
Again I thank you. I am the type if I see it I can usually do it but...we'll see.
In my experience Radio Shack is mostly useless. They have some parts but even fewer people that are able to give useful advice. Fry's has a much better selection of parts but will likely still be lacking in the advice depertment.
Some homework will definetely be useful. A flip flop is just the name given to a bi-stable circuit that changes it's ouput based on an input. In other words, the output flip flops from hi to low or low to hi to match an input. Read this:
Before you build this circuit you'll want to test it out on a solderless breadboard like the ones shown here:
Breadboard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It will allow you to verify that the circuit works prior to soldering everything together and also help you to understand everything that's going on which will aid you when building the final product. You can buy a solderless breadboard and jumper wires at Fry's.
I did test out the schematic that I posted in a circuit simulator and it seems to work. There are a few things that I've realized I can simplify since I originally posted it. If you decide to go with my idea, I can send you an updated schematic.
Also, once you decide what you're going to build, I would recommend ordering your parts from Mouser. They are here:
Mouser Electronics - Electronic Component Distributor
I live in Houston and I order almost all my parts from them. They are located in Dallas, so even though I always only pay for normal UPS ground, it almost always arrives the next day.
If you want, once you decide how you're going to procede, I can assemble a parts list and send it to you can just go online an get everything from mouser.
Good luck.