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I need to build an electronic infrared quizmaster with at least 5 subsystems. I would greatly appreciate any help with a quick design.

I was thinking four buttons, whoever presses it the quickest that info is sent over infrared to a receiver where an led will light to show who has pressed their button.
Unless you have a separate, widely-spaced receivers for each transmitter you will run into conflicts. Encoded IR transmitters/receivers take time to transmit, receive, decode, and react. If two transmitters trigger at near the same time they will interfere if there is only one receiver or closely-spaced multiple receivers.

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would it be possible to use a parallel to serial converter to use just the one transmitter/receiver ?
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So, all the buttons could be wired to a box, and the box would sent the winner's ID over IR to another location?

The problem is you need a way to encode on the transmitting end, and decode and display on the receiving end. The [first-locks out-others] is easy. I've used variations of: http://www.techlib.com/electronics/games.html The indicator lamps could be LEDs in photocouplers that trigger buttons on a hacked TV remote. The receiver end is more complex. You can get a kit to do this, like: **broken link removed** Or you would need an IR detector and a microcontroller.
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ahaa okay, so we have 4 inputs>ir transmitter/modulator>ir receiver/demodulator>band pass filter?>not sure > LED
ahaa okay, so we have 4 inputs>ir transmitter/modulator>ir receiver/demodulator>band pass filter?>not sure > LED

No. 4 inputs>ir encoder>transmitter/modulator>ir receiver/demodulator>decoder (microcontroller) > 4 LEDs

The whole package: **broken link removed**

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