r/c micro reciever

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New Member
hey guys i dont no if use can help me but ok so i want to see if i can fix this before i tell me dad as there has beeen so many other problems wiith my rc car.

ok so i was claning and looking over my car and my reviever has a spare jack for another servo or sumthing. it was a bit dirty so i got a jewelers screwdriver and tried to get the dirt out.... when i toutched one of the metal probes, it sparked across to the one next to it and now it dusnt work at all

nothing nothing happenes wen i turn it on, off whatever

please help
You shorted something and now it is destroyed by the very high current.

Learn how to write English properly then learn about electronics.
You will be able to fix the car in a few years.

Maybe you can get a replacement receiver.
Before you clean or work on any electronic device the single most important thing you can possibly do is REMOVE POWER TO THE DEVICE. You try to fiddle around with something like a monitor while the power is still connected and it will kill you. Receivers for RC equipment should ALWAYS be enclosed at the very least in plastic bags before operating. Junk gunk grease grime and gopher guts will get into places you never knew existed if it's not properly covered before running.
I went to an outdoors mall that had a hobby store. (Bill, the one in Streetsville)
ZZZOOOM! A very fast and powerful gas-powered RC car went past me in the parking lot and nearly knocked me off my feet!

It stopped just as quickly as it accellerated. Before seeing that one I thought electric RC cars were fast.
The real world has gopher guts blueroom =) You can engineer just about anything in an enclosed environment and make it work forever, until it encounters the 'real world'

Electric RCs are still faster and accelerate faster too- they just can't run as long.
Sceadwian said:
A gas car with a decent gear box should beat the pants off an electric.
The same for the gas car that nearly knockrd me off my feet!
It nearly tore my pants off.
You've screwed everything else up, you might as well screw up your courage and tell your Dad.

Also, isn't it spelled "youse" and not "use", let's get our spelling right here.
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