Mechie, that's a good idea. My only problem is with your base resistor value.
With beta=200, we only get Ie of about 1.5ma, which is half the desired base drive for the 2N3904. Minimum beta for BC107 is 110 at Vce=5v. It will be less for Vce<1v.
Why not just use another 2N3904 for the emitter follower, assume you need Ic/Ib=20 minimum (for guaranteed saturation with 3v drive), and use a 10k base resistor? Then, with 3v drive, we'll get 150ua base drive in the emitter follower, and 3ma base drive in the relay driver. With 12v drive, we'll get about 1ma of base current in the emitter follower, and about 4ma of base current in the relay driver.
It's not good engineering practice to design to typical specs. If you're building a one-off, you might get away with it, but it will be disaster for a production design (which this may be).