R60 aviation radio kit

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New Member
I bought the kit -
R60 Air Band PLL Receiver Kit High sensitivity Air Radio Aircraft tower talk
from ebay which arrived last week, without assembly instructions
When i go to the manufacturers website it does not all translate to English
Can anyone either read chinese and download them from taobao.com or does anyone already have the welding instructions ?
The pcb board is HM00ABRB_5
Thankyou and really appreciated


  • Doc1.pdf
    486.6 KB · Views: 360
Post a clean pic of PCB topside where the component labels are.

Do you have a link to a schematic ?

Regards, Dana.
Thanks Dana for the offer of help
I have used google translate to acheive the attached which is all i need



  • 69933-R60 Receiver User's Manual.pdf
    709.5 KB · Views: 719
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