Racing Tree

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New Member
Hey im not sure if you still have this schematic for the racing tree but i'v been looking for this for a project, but I have used the 7474 dual chips and its not working right. Im not sure on what to do so if any one of you can help me.
Hey im not sure if you still have this schematic for the racing tree but i'v been looking for this for a project, but I have used the 7474 dual chips and its not working right. Im not sure on what to do so if any one of you can help me.

Hi Tex, and welcome to the forum!

First off, who are you talking to? As in ". . .not sure if you still have this schematic. . ."

For those of us who don't know what you're talking about, can you post the schematic you tried and describe what it does that you don't want it to do (or what you want it to do that it doesn't)? Without that it's pretty much impossible for anyone to help you fix it.

There are a bunch of ways to build a race tree. Me, I'd probably go for either a microcontroller or a shift register.

More information please! The more information we have the better our chances of being able to help. And good luck with your project.


Ok I dont have the schematic design that i can post online. the problem that i am having is that i cant clear the 7474 dual d flip flop. first of all i am using 7474 chips to count down the racing tree. once the green light lights up it will send a low(coming out of the Qnot) to the 555 timer that will activate the rc car remote. we need to clear the lights so that the 555 timer can stop sending current to the remote. we only want the cars to be running for about seven or eight seconds...

is there any other way of doing the tree setup with other chips?
well this is what im working with. I realy havent work that much with 556 timers so i dont know where the other pins go marked blah, so i dont know if thats the reason it dosent work?


  • ChristmassTreeLights.jpg
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