Ram Drive

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I've looked on the net quiet extensivly, and I can seem to find any free software for Windows XP that allows you to use a large ramdrive. There are plenty of examples of how to use XP's native ram drive driver but that only allows drives up to 32meg. Anyone else know of anything that allows 512/1gig ram drives?
Why do you want a RAM dirve?

All it'll do is reduce the amount of free memory you have and slow your machine down.
And speed the file access of the files placed on that drive up multiple hundreds of times. I have 2 and a half gig of memory, so it's not going to slow anything down to lose 512 of it. I want to use it to store some large temporary cache files that a couple programs are generating to see how it affects their performance. I also don't want to thrash my hard drive when I generate these files.
This looks decent:

**broken link removed**

Only $8 if you want it, and the only thing it doesn't have for $8 is auto backup/shutdown saving.

Plus, the evaluation expires in March, 2008.
Haa, the crapyness of Windows, just for it to do what you want, you have to resort to spending extra money on third party software as if it isn't expensive enough already.
You can actually buy a "drive" that uses DDR2 ram. It is a PCI card that just acts like a SATA hard drive (even plugs into the SATA port). I think they can support up to 8gb worth of DDR2 modules. I saw them on ebay a while back, but can't find them any more. If i find some, i will post.

I know that really has nothing to do with the op's question, but it is still pretty cool...
Amazing how far away from the actual topic of the post people can get... =) Then again this is the **** chat forum.
Yeah, that RAM drive will slow down your computer quite alot if it is a file of any useable size. Just use your 8 inch floppy disk from good ol' Radioshack!

**broken link removed**

While we are on the topic of stuff you should have lots of fun with, you can get a MIDI File organizer


yay more pierre!
This is perhaps one of the scariest videos ever, at the end (30sec) with the evil music or etc
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Dear gods why does such a simple thing have to be so complicated! =)
MajorGeeks only has two links to actual software. One is the ARsoft one, which is really just an inf file for the ram drive that's built into NT/XP (limit of 32 meg) and the other is for commercial software which costs 50 dollars.

It would actually be easier to download the free GSX Version of VMWARE, do a super basic Linux kernel with network support in a virtual machine and share the drive with the local bridged connection.
Sceadwian said:
Dear gods why does such a simple thing have to be so complicated! =)
It's Winwoes, need I say anything more?
MajorGeeks only has two links to actual software. One is the ARsoft one, which is really just an inf file for the ram drive that's built into NT/XP (limit of 32 meg) and the other is for commercial software which costs 50 dollars.
You could do that, if you feel like throwing your money away at software that just does what the operating system should do in the first place.

It would actually be easier to download the free GSX Version of VMWARE, do a super basic Linux kernel with network support in a virtual machine and share the drive with the local bridged connection.

Go for it, the Linux solution is often the cheapest and most effective.

Have you tried WINE?
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well thats what my statement was.
Creates a RAMDRIVE (in the linux sense)

I mount /tmp to RAM so that it is faster for sockets and such.
Hero I've had more trouble getting Linux to work on my machines than I ever have with Windows (at least XP) Believe me I've given linux a shot, and for a few things it's easier and simpler to do things. But for a simple quick and easy to use machine I chose to use XP. That's the primary reason Linux doesn't have as deep a penetration in the generic desktop market, I don't like to wrestle with my OS. I do use it for some things which is why I like VMWare, takes the fuss and muss out of the whole deal.
actually, krummy, that DDR2/SATA configuration is MUCH faster than any high performance disked sata drive.

I completely agree with that opinion. I always found that AmigaOS targetted a huge gap in the market for an Operating System that is light-weight, powerful and tweakable like Linux but Userfriendly like Windows. Unfortunately Commodore screwed that up over 10 years ago.

AmigaOS had a RamDrive as part of the OS. It only sounds pointless if you've never used one - they're actually extremely useful!!!


At least it was very useful in an Amiga with only a single 3.5 inch floppy, it became far less useful once you added a hard drive - it was even less useful once you added a second floppy. But for the minimum spec machine it was pretty well essential.

Loved the Amiga, still a better multi-tasking machine than Windows!.

AmigaDOS was based on Unix, so had long filenames, case sensitive filenames, multitasked from DOS as well as it's GUI - and the DOS was even written in C like Unix - after a while though you could download re-written DOS commands, someone re-wrote them in assembler, much smaller and faster.
I had a hugely mutated and well-specced A1200 system with a dual CPU (it had an extra CPU card with PPC processor on it), a PCI bus board with PCI GFX, Sound, USB2.0 and Ethernet cards, A fast IDE controller, 256MB RAM and all housed in a nice tower. I still found the RAM drive incredibly useful - perhaps out of habbit.

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