Random cabinet lights

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Well-Known Member
I had a computer crash 2 weeks ago so I was unable to finlize this cabinet lighting design
Idea is to use ultra bright LEDs (*clear = 140k mcd and blue = 13k mcd
think along the lines of a mood light. Lights on inside top of cabinet shinning down with 3 glass shelves and a mirror on bottom lights cycle from all white to blue to mixed of both.
The schematic needs more LEDs added.
Automated turn on at dark.
working on pc board as well
any thoughts on design??


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Aren't the extremely bright LEDs just ordinary ones that are in a focussed case that makes a very narrow beam? I think you want a wide diffussed beam.

I calculated the LED current in your circuit at only 15mA which will not be bright.
15ma ???

using Tina 7.0 It shows 58ma for each cluster of 8 leds.
the LEDs are what I have on hand. hopfully the light will defuse after bouncing of mirro on bottom of cabinet.
the photo cell circuit = use a transistor or relay to control 2 led display circuits (one for each cabinet). not sure of bias etc. or transistor part number. A 2n2222 handle up to 1 amp?? (controls both circuits instead of using relay?


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2n2222 for sure not 1 amp

I realize a 2n2222 could not handle 1 amp. I am asking for suggestions of what to use instead of a relay or maybe the relay is perfered??
1 amp is more than the 2 led arrats will need but why push it to the limit.
TINA shows each led array with 8 leds will draw 58 ma.
a total of 48 leds with each 8 led array drawing 58ma = 348ma. add a reduency of 30% = 452 ma.
multiply by 2 for overkill (why run parts to their limit) and we have 1 amp.
true the transistor or relay only needs to carry a max of 350ma but
Murphy's law says overkill for errors or ??
maybe I design for overkill but what the heck.
For sure parts won't be getting hot
still looking for suggestions of transistor vers rly

use a relay instead of a ??transistor
I calculated the LED current in your circuit at only 15mA which will not be bright.

15ma ???

using Tina 7.0 It shows 58ma for each cluster of 8 leds.

Which for 4 sets of 2 series leds gives you 14.5 goddamn milliamps of LED current.

Murphy's law says overkill for errors or ??
maybe I design for overkill but what the heck.

Instead of Murphy's law, give a cursory look at Norton's theorem.
No need to cuss Duffy

this is a pic of the simulation showing 58ma


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load goes before transistor??

after reconfiuering the led array now draws 114ma
the 2n2222 I assume is not into saturation as I measure 1v at the load/collector junction.
supposed to be around .5v??


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changed transistor type and now saturated

changed transistor from a 2n2222 to a tip41a
transistor is now saturated and led arry is drawing 125ma.
something not right??


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