Ranom Lihgts

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New Member
I was thinking o doing something for my 4 yr old daughter , that can teach her to read, I was thinking to have a board with alphabets and lights, At a press of a button , I want lights to randomly play and stop at a random light that she can call out, I know their books for this but I want to try something like that, Pls can anybody suggest
A father taking that much care of his daughter has deserved to help him.

Hang on please. I'm thinking about a solution.

The ideal solution for this would be a microcontrolled LED matrix of say 6*5. Do you have any programming experience and if so what?

BTW, Was the random spelling deliberate?

Here is a primitive solution using all 26 letters of the alphabet.

It uses a push button to advance the count of three cascaded Johnson counters displaying one light when the button is released.

I suggest not to arrange all letters in alphabetical order and mix them well from time to time to make sure your daughter has learned the characters well.

If the letters were arranged alphabetically the indication would be a "Y", being the 25th letter of the alphabet.



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