Rasp Pi Pico 2 2350A micro


Well-Known Member

We got our first look at the new £5 Pico2 board and its so far worked ok with some simple sketches in C++ under the Arduino IDE, though clearly a lot more testing to do to see if it can run our completed projects.

Looking around ETs forums surprised to see little about this board and its earlier sibling the Pico with the 2040 chip.

Anyone used this new Pico2 and have any good tips about using it with the Arduino ide ?

We use Arduino and ESP 32 these days so thought it best to stick with C++ as no other real need to learn/use micropython and web opinion seems very divided between the two languages.

Know theres lots of info out there starting with the RP forums 168 pages just on the Pico, but was looking more for a list of typical problems / fixes that newbies to the Pico / 2 might encoutner.
I use esp 32 with both the pico I’ve not tried on ardunio ide but the esp I have done a bunch with arduino ide the only problems I’ve had is the latest libraries seem to brake so I’ve had to down grade them with i2c and i2s
i have used Pico on the Arduino IDE... It works extremely well so as long as the plugin for the pico2 is available you should be good to go.

Incidentally! Pico and Pico2 are stars in the MM Basic scene.. The backshed covers it all... https://www.thebackshed.com/forum/ViewForum.php?FID=16&P=7

Nice little boards.... If ever you were into BBC or Speccy or C64 this is the path to go..

I have one running a cool function generator..

Yes, I had some PCB's made by JLCPCB, somewhat faster than the old 6502/Z80 based machines
The pico2 on their site has a HDMI output... I have a picoW here on my bench with VGA (16 colours) PS2 keyboard stereo sound SD card disc system... Works great.
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