New Member
hello there
i'm new to the forum and i'm here for a project i'm doing.
u've probably seen some reverse pendulum or small bicycle with Reaction Wheel which can stay balanced. here is a pic of what i mean:
rn, i'm trying to choose a DC motor for driving the reaction wheel, i've used matlab simulink to simulate a LQR controller with the system and since i don't have a motor yet, i can't add a dc motor model to the simulation(because the datasheet usually don't give required parameters!)Long story short i have a simulation of the dynamic system without the dynamics of the motor and it has given me a Torque and speed for Reaction Wheel
i've got series of Qs:
1. as we know, the motor generates torque as needed! meaning that u should WANT the torque for the motor to give it to u! so how does all this come together?
first, my reaction wheel "mass" and "I" are constant(the reaction wheel physical properties don't change)
second, we know that "T=I*alpha", which is the basis of the simulation equations that finally will be reported as the Torque mentioned above
so how does this "wanting the torque to get one" and this "constant "m" & "I" of reaction wheel" and this "T=I*alpha" come together?!?!?
2. generally speaking, it is the "alpha"(change of speed) that gives the torque(T=I*Alpha); and in no datasheet have i ever seen that kind of data; all i get is nominal T and rpm and some no load(and Full load) speed & current
with my understanding the "alpha" is as follows:
alpha=Dw/Dt(delta omega(rotational speed)/ delta time)
i know that "Dt" has got smth to do with the time constant of the motor and stuff, but i'm clouded about that!(which unfortunately the datasheets don't provide, i know i can measure it once i have the actual motor, but i to first choose a motor based on what i have!!)
my question is, is there any way to calculate this alpha for a motor with the basics of the datasheets(being nominal Torque & Speed)? or just a way to get a feeling of which motor will have a better alpha(meaning it would be faster to reach the required speed)? should i go for a more torque(hence low speed) motor or a high speed(hence low torque(just enough to turn the wheel which isn't going to be that much i suppose!) motor?
i'm really sorry for the long gibberish kind of Question! i'm really confused about the whole thing!
i'm new to the forum and i'm here for a project i'm doing.
u've probably seen some reverse pendulum or small bicycle with Reaction Wheel which can stay balanced. here is a pic of what i mean:
rn, i'm trying to choose a DC motor for driving the reaction wheel, i've used matlab simulink to simulate a LQR controller with the system and since i don't have a motor yet, i can't add a dc motor model to the simulation(because the datasheet usually don't give required parameters!)Long story short i have a simulation of the dynamic system without the dynamics of the motor and it has given me a Torque and speed for Reaction Wheel
i've got series of Qs:
1. as we know, the motor generates torque as needed! meaning that u should WANT the torque for the motor to give it to u! so how does all this come together?
first, my reaction wheel "mass" and "I" are constant(the reaction wheel physical properties don't change)
second, we know that "T=I*alpha", which is the basis of the simulation equations that finally will be reported as the Torque mentioned above
so how does this "wanting the torque to get one" and this "constant "m" & "I" of reaction wheel" and this "T=I*alpha" come together?!?!?
2. generally speaking, it is the "alpha"(change of speed) that gives the torque(T=I*Alpha); and in no datasheet have i ever seen that kind of data; all i get is nominal T and rpm and some no load(and Full load) speed & current
with my understanding the "alpha" is as follows:
alpha=Dw/Dt(delta omega(rotational speed)/ delta time)
i know that "Dt" has got smth to do with the time constant of the motor and stuff, but i'm clouded about that!(which unfortunately the datasheets don't provide, i know i can measure it once i have the actual motor, but i to first choose a motor based on what i have!!)
my question is, is there any way to calculate this alpha for a motor with the basics of the datasheets(being nominal Torque & Speed)? or just a way to get a feeling of which motor will have a better alpha(meaning it would be faster to reach the required speed)? should i go for a more torque(hence low speed) motor or a high speed(hence low torque(just enough to turn the wheel which isn't going to be that much i suppose!) motor?
i'm really sorry for the long gibberish kind of Question! i'm really confused about the whole thing!