Read EEPROM memory from PIC - MPLABX

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New Member

Anyone knows how can i read the eeprom memory of a PIC using MPLABX IDE v1.1?? I've tried a few times but i dont see the value that i store inside the eeprom using the line write_eeprom(0x01,10)...using MPLAB IDE when i press the read button i can view the eeprom memory but using MPLABX even i press "Read Device Memory Main Project", i cannot see any differences in the memory... Anyone has any solution??

How about Window -> PIC Memory Views -> EE Data View. Is that where you are looking?

You should also be using the latest MPLABX which is 1.5 right now. I've noticed plenty of bugs in MPLABX during normal use. It could be an issue with the version.

Yes i use that method to view the EE data but i cannot see any value in there any settings i have to do in order to view the data???
I've never tried it before. I just tried it in 1.41 and I need to be running the chip in debug mode in order for any of the views to show correct data.
Maybe the eprom code data protect is enabled, have you checked the config word?
check the config bits in the "PIC memory views"
btw. I have wanted to read the EE in mplabx for a long time. It worked in the old MPLAB.
robin , welcome to the forum, I suspect you will have noticed the date of the OP by now, member not been active for some time... been caught myself
This fixed it:

__CONFIG(5, CP0_OFF & CPD_OFF); /* don't protect code. allow EE to be read */
No it doesn't. I have not found anyway to read EEPROM in MPLAB.X.

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