Read Hex File

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I need a help as I have lost my code due to my mistake of deleting it but I have read the code from my device such as PIC and save it as hex file. Do you know how to convert it into a readable code in ASM file?




    2 KB · Views: 217
Dear Sir

Thank you for your help. Can you please tell how to do it? I will know how to do it in the future


Download free from the web WinPicProg , its Nigels baby. Google it.

Load the hex file and disassemble it.

I realised I have made a mistake as I was supposed to use PIC16F67 and I could not find it in WinPicProg to convert my hex files into source code. Can yoo please help me?

WinPicProg is much easier. Load the hex file and then click view ---> Assembler.

Then click File ---> Save As to save your new asm file.
Eric's all ready done it, based on the 16F84 - however, if the OP wroite the code that assembler listing should be more than enough for him as the differences are only small.
Yes, but I discovered some of codes are missing and I assumed that I used wrong PIC chip as I was supposed to use PIC16F67 instead.

Yes, but I discovered some of codes are missing and I assumed that I used wrong PIC chip as I was supposed to use PIC16F67 instead.

Both use exactly the same 14 bit core - slight differences will be SFR addresses and start of GPR's - simple to correct if you know how the code works.
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