If your car is a 4 cylinder that makes sense, 4 stroke and 4 pots will only fire twice per rev, however if the encoder wheel is driven by the cam or the distributor then it will only turn at half the crank speed, hence 4 pulses not 2.
Around here, cars, lawmowers, generators, weedwhackers, or any engine with a carb that is not used at least once a week is a royal PITA. The crappy 10% Ethanol gas they make us use (so that corn farmers can get rich) dries out, leaves a gummy residue that requires disassembly of the carb to clean it out. Ask me how I know...
Around here, cars, lawmowers, generators, weedwhackers, or any engine with a carb that is not used at least once a week is a royal PITA. The crappy 10% Ethanol gas they make us use (so that corn farmers can get rich) dries out, leaves a gummy residue that requires disassembly of the carb to clean it out. Ask me how I know...
I got tired of the annual carb cleaning ritual. Now I put "Sta-bil" in the last tank of gas in every thing and run it for 5 or 10 minutes before storing the implement for the year. So far so good. https://www.google.com/search?q=Stabil&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8
I got tired of the annual carb cleaning ritual. Now I put "Sta-bil" in the last tank of gas in every thing and run it for 5 or 10 minutes before storing the implement for the year. So far so good. https://www.google.com/search?q=Stabil&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8
Stabil increases the time before the fuel in the carb bowl turns to jelly, but it doesn't help much in the small engines, like lawn mowers that sit unused for seven months at a time...
I bring 100LL avgas home from the airport, and I find that if I run it in my small engines, it evaporates cleanly without leaving a gummy residue. Works for the lawnmower, the 5KW generator, and other small engines, but at $4 per gallon, I don't put it in my Jeep and other larger engines...
I was able to run unleaded regular 86 octane gas in both my airplanes before they made E10, but now I cannot, so have to run the $4 per gallon stuff.
Don't know why, but we've got 100% unleaded hi-test (93 0ctane is currently ≈ $2.50/gal. 87 & 89 contain alcohol).
I put it in everthing (especially the 350 with a 4 barrel). I get better mileage and none of the goop. A lot of boats around here and only a comya puts in the gasahol ****.
Stabil increases the time before the fuel in the carb bowl turns to jelly, but it doesn't help much in the small engines, like lawn mowers that sit unused for seven months at a time...
I've not had to clean a carb or gas tank in 3 years now. All of them small engines, the snow blower sits unused for ~9 months and starts on the first or second pull. Chain saws the same thing a couple of pulls and they start right up. Same with the zero turn mower and the trim mower and weed wacker. The trick is to run them, after adding the Sta-bil, to get all of the untreated gas out of the carbs. But maybe engines and gas are different in Ohio then Arizona.
Late to the game, but I was going to mention that ECU's will have specific ground connections for their more important sensors to ensure clean grounds. It looks like this is already resolved and ground levels were mentioned, but I've run into the problem before with different ground levels.
I'm assuming this is a 4 cylinder. The sensor would be a TDC sensor.