really narrow but cheap led spacer for 3mm T1?

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I have a pcb I designed with a bunch of closely spaced 3mm T1 leds (18 in total). They need to be elevated by 0.25"

The cheap spacers I was planning to use for them are too wide (5mm wide) since the leds are so closely spaced.

The only thing I could that was narrower was digikey# RP501-ND
These ones are 3.5mm diameter at widest point and should work.
but they are $0.25 each even in quantities of 1000 (and I am building 160 of these pcbs).
This works out to be $5 per pcb just to space the leds! That is waaaay too much money and I can't seem to find a cheaper alternative.

What is a better way to do this? Should I make a little jig so that the leds are spaced temporarily while being soldered (i.e. in the end they will be free standing behind the panel they will eventually poke through)? Are there any suggestions for cheaper alternatives?

I am located in Canada and need to get these asap.

For a 0.25inch above PCB height I would make a simple soldering spacer jig.
how would you build it? (any examples online)?

in my case I would have a single column of leds where each one is oriented the same direction like this

(dots are the leads)

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Would you just use say a piece of wood or metal to fit in between them that was the right height? or is there a better way?
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